
蛋仔派对找回账号全过程教程 蛋仔派对躲猫猫模式在哪里

2024-12-02 158 懦弱的帆布鞋
本文导读蛋仔派对找回账号全过程教程蛋仔派对躲猫猫模式在哪里蛋仔派对找回账号全过程教程 i蛋仔派对找回账号全过程教程 Hi there! If you're having trouble remembering




Hi there! If you're having trouble remembering your i蛋仔 account password, don't worry! I'm here to guide you through the entire process of recovering your account. Just follow along, and we'll have you back up and running in no time!

First things first, head on over to i蛋仔's official website (www.iqiyi.com) and click on the "Forgotten Password" link located at the bottom of the login page.

Once you're on the Forgotten Password page, enter your i蛋仔 account username or phone number. If you've linked your phone number to your account, this step is a breeze!

Now it's time to create a new password for your i蛋仔 account! Make sure it's strong, unique, and doesn't contain any easily guessable information like your name or birthdate . Once you've set your new password, confirm it by entering it again.

Congratulations! You've successfully recovered your i蛋仔 account! Go ahead and log in using your brand-new password. If everything went smoothly, you should now be able to access your account as usual .

That's it! Recovery of your i蛋仔 account password is a relatively straightforward process. Just remember to keep your new password safe and secure, and you're all set for future login sessions .

Hope this helps, and happy binge-watching (and gaming, and chatting...) with i蛋仔!


在《蛋仔派对》这款游戏中,玩家可以体验到躲猫猫(捉迷藏)的乐趣。以下是关于这一模式的详细指南: 1. 参与派对:首先,确保你的设备运行在iPhone13Pro手机和ios16.1系统上,并更新到蛋仔派对0.10.2版本。进入游戏后,寻找并点击界面上方指示的派对位置。 2. 开启躲猫猫模式:点击后,玩家将看到躲猫猫模式的选项。选择该模式,即可开始游戏。 3. 捉迷藏玩法:在娱乐模式下,玩家分为两组,一组为躲藏者,另一组为追捕者。躲藏者需在4v6的规则下,将自身变成地图上的物体以融入环境,而追捕者则要通过投掷球球来识别并找出躲藏者。 4. 躲藏者技巧:躲藏者初始拥有三个变身道具,选择一个后可携带至隐蔽地点变身后隐藏。每2分钟将有一次强制变身,最终若躲藏者能在时间结束前未被发现,则取得胜利。成功的躲藏往往需要选择合理的地点,如树丛或房间角落等。 5. 追捕者技巧:追捕者具备扫描能力,能够探测到附近的躲藏者。追捕者应利用这一优势,在游戏区域内寻找不寻常的物体或环境中的异常之处,以提高找到躲藏者的效率。 通过这些指南,无论是躲藏者还是追捕者,都可以在《蛋仔派对》的躲猫猫模式中享受游戏的乐趣。
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