蛋仔派对下架了吗现在 蛋仔派对下架了吗2023
In fact, in recent years, i蛋仔 has continued to grow its user base and expand its services. It has also collaborated with various brands and celebrities on exclusive content and events.
However, it is possible that you may be thinking of a specific event or activation that was held under the "i蛋仔派对" (I Egg Party) banner. If that's the case, I'm not aware of any specific information regarding the event being removed or discontinued.
i蛋仔(Egg Cake)是许多人的最爱!关于是否下架,根据官方消息,我们可以看到Egg Cake的销售状态。
目前,Egg Cake还在销售中。2022年12月7日,Egg Cake官方推出了一份更新通知,表示该商品仍然将继续销售,且不会受到影响。
然而,在2023年1月11日,某些媒体报道称Egg Cake可能会下架,因为该公司遇到一些生产问题。但是,这只是一则新闻,没有官方证实的信息。
为了获得最可靠的信息,我们建议您直接访问i蛋仔官方网站或官方社交媒体账户了解最新的情况。如果您真的想购买Egg Cake,请先确认该商品是否仍然在销售中。